Thursday, April 9, 2020

In this convenient life we live in, we are easily inconvenienced. Anything from traffic, slow electronics, or spilled coffee is inconvenient. This morning as I was reading about Passover; a day when God saved His chosen people because they obeyed His strange directive, and painted the frames of their doors with lamb’s blood. Then they stayed inside until morning. In this narrative of the disciples' preparation for Passover there are two verses set off all by themselves (Mark 14:10-11). As I read them I stopped short, and reread them again. These are not verses you would memorize or cross-stitch or place as your screensaver. 

“Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Him to them. And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. So he sought how he might conveniently betray Him (Mark 14:10-11 NKJV). Judas looked for a way to conveniently betray his friend and master. There is nothing convenient about betrayal. What did he tell himself? “OK I’m going to betray my friend today but I don’t want to let it get in the way of my day, or make me look bad, and I definitely don’t want to be inconvenienced."

I am so glad that the inconvenience of the cross didn't make Jesus pause. No, when it was inconvenient He turned His face toward Jerusalem, knowing what was waiting for Him there. Then when He knew they disciples would all desert Him, and one would betray Him, He inconveniently planned a meal, He sat down with them and ate a tender meal with them. He didn't let what He knew about their imminent betrayal detract him from serving them. It's reminds me of the good Shepherd, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..." I know you are my friends at this table but in a few hours you will join my enemies. Why? Because following Jesus is hard, it's inconvenient, it's an honor -  it's worthy everything.   

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